MBT-A képzés
The Mentalization-Based Treatment for Adolescents (MBT-A) is a targeted therapeutic approach that works with adolescents who struggle with a range of mental health difficulties. These include interpersonal difficulties, emotional dysregulation, impulsivity and self-harm, often accompanied by suicidal thoughts and urges.
The training offered by the Anna Freud Center in London, provides a practical introduction to the key elements of MBT-A, enabling participants to effectively apply this model in a clinical setting.
MBT-A combines weekly individual sessions for adolescents with Mentalization-Based Family Therapy Sessions (MBT-F). It aims to help the adolescent’s ability to understand their own and the others’ feelings in emotionally challenging situations without self-harming. MBT-A has been shown to be effective in reducing self-harm and depressive symptoms in adolescents (Rossouw & Fonagy, P. 2012).
In the work with adolescents and their families, the practising professional improves the skills of the adolescent and their parents in understanding each other’s perspectives, helps the adolescents to restore and maintain a more accurate understanding of others and their own minds, reducing impulsivity and interpersonal anxiety.
Who is this training for?
This training is for mental health professionals who work with children and families, professionals in child psychotherapy, psychology, arts therapies, family therapy, counselling, psychiatry, mental health care and social work.
Applicants must have therapeutic experience with children.
Mandatory pre-training requirements: Participants must complete the online course “Mentalizing and Mentalizing-Based Treatment with Adolescents (MBT-Adolescent) – Introduction” before the training. The online course covers the basic theories in four hours, providing basic knowledge. The online training will become available 1 month prior to the in-person training and will remain available for 1 year. We will provide Hungarian translation of the interface.
Desired requirement: personal experience undergoing psychotherapy.
Theoretical part: The training consists of an introductory online course and 3 full days.
Supervision: After the theoretical education, online supervision will take place under the leadership of AFC London for those who require it, with the showing of videos or audio recordings of the therapy sessions made with the patient’s consent. Supervision in Hungarian is being organised.
To become an MBT-A therapist, you need the following (Practitioner level):
- A practitioner of MBT-A must have a qualification in a mental health profession, a thorough knowledge of mental disorders, particularly personality disorders, and previous experience of working in therapy with individuals and/or groups.
- MBT-A trainees must read the MBT and MBT-A manuals and attend a 3-day basic introductory course
- Four individual patients or two groups or two individual patients + one group must be treated with MBT-A as the primary intervention for at least 24 sessions.
- Clients treated (at least 2 individuals or 1 group) must have a primary diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.
- Cases will be supervised by an MBT-A supervisor certified by the Anna Freud Centre (AFC).
- Each session of each treatment must be recorded (video). If video is not feasible, audio recording is acceptable in agreement with the supervisor. A minimum of three 8-minute sessions of each treatment selected by the trainee must be submitted, referring to the MBT-A competencies outlined in the MBT Training Manual.
- A written summary must be provided at the completion of each case.
The organisation of post-training supervision is the responsibility and cost of the candidate.
Trainers: Prof. Holly Dwyer Hall és Maria Svernell
Price for the 3-day training 390,000 HUF
It is possible to pay the fee in instalments, in which case, the first payment of 100,000 HUF is due on 20 June 2024, and the remaining 290,000 HUF is due on 30 September 2024.
Payment details:
Name: Az Egészséges Lelkű Ifjúságért Pro Juventa Alapítvány Acoount number: 11702036-20661951 Bank name: OTP BANK IBAN: HU22117020362066195100000000 SWIT CODE: OTPWHUHB
We would like to make the training as widely available as possible, especially to the professional teams working in the clinic, so we are always looking for supporters..
A képzés akkreditációja folyamatban van.
The planned location of the training is Sapientia Monastic Theological College, Budapest, Piarista köz 1, 1052.
You can unquire here:
The registration for this training is now closed
Our Presenters
Holly Dwyer Hall, PsyD,
is a registered child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapist and qualified Mentalization Based Treatment practitioner, supervisor and trainer with children, adolescents and families and MBT Practitioner with adults. She currently lectures on the Doctorate in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy with UCL, Anna Freud and the British Psychotherapy Foundation and on the Early Child Development and Clinical Applications MSc at UCL. Holly has published papers and chapters on mentalization based treatments, rupture and resolution processes in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and the practice of infant observation. Her clinical work spans 24 years in both child and adult services in the UK’s National Health Service, social care and the private sector. She currently works at Anna Freud as Lead for Psychodynamic Psychotherapies and MBT with children, young people and families where she also provides assessment and treatment for children and young people who have experienced complex early relational trauma.
Maria Svernell (formerly Wiwe),
PsycD, Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist, and a PhD student with pretend mode in adolescence as her subject. She is a qualified Mentalization-Based Treatment for Adolescents (MBT-A) therapist, supervisor, and trainer at the ?Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families.?Maria has contributed as a co-editor of the MBT-A manual, collaborating with colleagues Trudie Rossouw and Ioanna Vrouva.